Fra n ça is
List e n in g t o a
p ro g ra m m e
If you use the MDR-DS5000, read the manual for the
MDR-DS5000 too. If you use another transmitter, read
the manual supplied with it for connections and
Tro u b le sh o o t in g
Afin d ’é vit e r t o u t risq u e d ’in ce n d ie o u
d ’é le ct ro cu t io n , n e p a s e xp o se r ce t
a p p a re il à la p lu ie o u à l’h u m id it é .
Pré p a ra t io n d u ca sq u e
No so u n d /Mu ffle d so u n d
Co rd le ss St e re o
He a d p h o n e s
Ouvrez le couvercle du logement des piles
sur le haut du boîtier gauche.
/ Turn on the transmitter first, then put on the
/ Check the connection of the audio/ video
equipment or the AC power adaptor.
/ Check that the audio/ video equipment is
turned on.
/ Turn up the volume on the connected audio/
video equipment, if the transmitter is
connected to the headphones jack.
/ The mute function has activated.
• Check if there is any object between the
transmitter and the headphones.
• Use the headphones near the transmitter.
• Change the position and angle of the
Afin d ’é ca rt e r t o u t risq u e d ’é le ct ro cu t io n ,
g a rd e r le co ffre t fe rm é . Ne co n fie r
l’e n t re t ie n d e l’a p p a re il q u ’à u n p e rso n n e l
q u a lifié .
Operating Instructions
Mode d’emploi
Manual de instrucciones
Turn on the audio/video equipment
connected to the transmitter or Digital
Surround Processor.
Turn on the transmitter or Digital Surround
Bie n ve n u e !
Nous vous félicitons pour l’achat de ce casque stéréo
infrarouge Sony MDR-IF5000. Avant la mise en
service de cet appareil, prière de lire attentivement ce
mode d’emploi et de le conserver pour toute référence
Put on the headphones and the pow er turns
on automatically. The pow er indicator
glow s red.
Insérez deux piles R6 (format AA).
/ The headphones’ power indicator light is weak
or turned off.
n Replace the headphone battery.
Cet appareil offre, entre autres, les fonctions
• Ce casque stéréo sans fil est conçu pour le système
de casque surround numérique MDR-DS5000 ou
d’autre système de casque stéréo sans fil Sony. Il ne
fonctionne pas sans ces systèmes.
• Ce casque sans fil vous permet d’écouter un
programme sans être gêné par un cordon.
• La portée horizontale étendue assure un son superbe
pratiquement n’importe où dans la pièce.
• Le serre-tête auto-réglable s’adapte confortablement
à la forme de la tête.
• Le casque se met automatiquement sous et hors
tension chaque fois que vous le mettez ou enlevez
(Mise sous/ hors tension automatique).
• La commande VOL permet de régler le volume des
deux canaux.
Dist o rt io n
Sony Corporation © 1998 Printed in Korea
/ If the transmitter is connected to the
headphones jack, turn down the volume of the
connected audio/ video equipment.
/ The headphones’ power indicator light is weak
or turned off.
n Replace the headphone battery.
Infrared rays receptor
En g lish
Lo u d b a ckg ro u n d n o ise
Fermez le couvercle du logement des piles.
/ Move closer to the transmitter. As you move
away from the transmitter, more noise is likely
to be heard. This is inherent to infrared ray
communication and does not mean that there is
a problem with the unit itself.
/ Check that there is no object between the
transmitter and the headphones.
/ Check that the infrared sensors are not covered
with your hands or hair.
Adjust the volume.
Se t t in g u p t h e
h e a d p h o n e s
To p re ve n t fire o r sh o ck h a za rd , d o n o t
e xp o se t h e u n it t o ra in o r m o ist u re .
Raise the
Open the battery compartment lid on top of
the left housing.
• La commande BALANCE permet de contrôler
l’équilibre entre les canaux gauche et droit.
Low er the
To a vo id e le ct rica l sh o ck, d o n o t o p e n t h e
ca b in e t . Re fe r se rvicin g t o q u a lifie d
p e rso n n e l o n ly.
/ Change the position or angle of the transmitter.
/ The headphones are used by a window where
the sunlight is too strong.
Ap e rçu
Adjust the balance betw een left and right
Le MDR-IF5000 est un casque stéréo sans fil qui
fonctionne par infrarouge. En raccordant le
transmetteur infrarouge à votre appareil audio, vous
pourrez écouter des programmes sans être gêné par le
cordon du casque. En utilisant le processeur surround
numérique DP-IF5000 vous pourrez obtenir une
ambiance surround multi-canaux.
Ow n e r’s Re co rd
n Draw the curtains/ blinds to shut out the
direct sunlight, or use the headphones away
form sunlight.
The model number is located on the battery
compartment lid. The serial number is located inside
of the battery compartment.
Record these numbers in the spaces provided below.
Refer to them whenever you call upon your Sony
dealer regarding this product.
Re m a rq u e su r le s p ile s
Vous pouvez utiliser les piles suivantes dans le
MDR-IF5000. L’autonomie des piles est indiquée ci-
Pour la recharge des piles (rechargeables), il faut
utiliser le chargeur de piles vendu en option, le
chargeur de piles fourni avec le système de casque
surround numérique MDR-DS5000 ou la fonction de
recharge du transmetteur infrarouge des systèmes de
casque stéréo sans fil.
The right side
/ If the transmitter is connected to the
headphones jack, turn up the volume of the
connected audio/ video equipment.
/ The headphones’ power indicator light is weak
or turned off.
The left side
Model No. MDR-IF5000
Serial No.
n Replace the headphone battery.
Insert tw o R6 (size AA) batteries.
Au t o p o w e r o n /o ff fu n ct io n
When you remove the headphones, the power turns
off automatically. Avoid pulling up on the self
adjusting band when the headphones are not in use.
This might switch the headphones on.
Au t o n o m ie d e s p ile s
Re p la cin g t h e Ea r Pa d s
After a long period of use, the ear pads may become
dirty and/ or damaged.
In such a case, consult your nearest Sony dealer and
replace them.
We lco m e !
Pile s
Ap p ro x. He u re s
Thank you for purchasing the Sony
Piles alcalines Sony LR6/ AM3 (N)
Piles Sony R6P/ SUM-3 (NS)
ou piles rechargeables NC-AA (HJ)
Piles rechargeables Sony NC-AAS
MDR-IF5000 Cordless Stereo Headphones. Before
operating the unit, please read this manual
thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Some features are:
Self adjusting band
Piles rechargeables au nickel-
hydrogène NH-AA Sony R6
(format AA)
• This cordless stereo headphone is for use with
MDR-DS5000 Digital Surround Headphone System
or with other Sony Cordless Stereo Headphone
systems. It does not operate on its own.
• Cordless headphones allow you to listen to a
programme free from the restriction of a cord.
• Broad horizontal listening area gives you superb
sound virtually anywhere in the room.
• Self-adjusting headband fits to your head
Sp e cifica t io n s
Ge n e ra l
Close the battery compartment lid.
* pleinement rechargées
Mu t e fu n ct io n
The Mute Function is automatically activated so that
sound output from the headphones is cut off
whenever the headphones are outside the infrared
transmission area, the infrared beams are interrupted,
or the noise increases. The Mute Function is
automatically canceled when you get closer to the
Digital Surround Processor or there is no longer
anything in the way of the infrared beams.
Modulation system
Certains types de piles ne sont pas commercialisés
dans certaines régions.
Frequency modulation
Carrier frequencies
Right: 2.8 MHz
Left: 2.3 MHz
Re m p la ce m e n t d e s p ile s
Remplacez les piles par une neuve lorsque le témoin
POWER sur la droite du casque devient sombre ou
lorsque de la distorsion apparaît et le sifflement
Frequency response
12 – 24,000 Hz
• The headphones power turns on and off
automatically every time you put the headphones on
and off (Auto power on/ off function).
• The VOL control adjusts the volume level of both
Power source DC 3 V, R6 (size AA) battery × 2
or Ni-Cd rechargeable battery NC-AA × 2
or Ni-Cd rechargeable battery NC-AAS × 2
or R6 (size AA) nickel hydrogen
Aft e r list e n in g t o a p ro g ra m m e
Si le co u ve rcle d u lo g e m e n t d e p ile s se
d é t a ch e d u ca sq u e
Remettez-le en place en insérant A dans A et B dans
B, comme indiqué ci-dessous.
Take the headphones off before turning off the
transmitter. Otherwise you may hear some noise
when the infrared rays are suddenly cut off.
• The BALANCE control lets you adjust balance
between the left and right channels.
rechargeable battery NH-AA × 2
No t e o n t h e b a t t e rie s
Approx. 280 g (9.9 oz.) including batteries
For the MDR-IF5000, following batteries can be used.
Battery life is as shown in the chart below.
Ove rvie w
Op t io n a l a cce sso rie s
The MDR-IF5000 is a cordless stereo headphone
which uses infrared rays. Connect the infrared
transmitter to your audio equipment and you can
listen to a programme free from the restriction of the
headphone cord. By using the DP-IF5000 Digital
Surround Processor, you can enjoy a multichannel
surround sound environment.
With rechargeable batteries, the separately sold
battery charger, battery charger supplied with the
MDR-DS5000 Digital Surround Headphone System, or
the battery charge function of the infrared transmitter
of Cordless Stereo Headphone Systems must be used.
Recharger for R6 (size AA) nickel hydrogen rechargeable
and Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries
Pre ca u t io n s
Ni-Cd rechargeable battery
• The CE mark on the unit is valid only for products
marketed in the European Union.
R6 (size AA) nickel hydrogen rechargeable battery
• When the headphones are not to be used for a long
period of time, remove the battery to avoid damage
caused by battery leakage and subsequent corrosion.
• Do not leave the cordless stereo headphones in a
location subject to direct sunlight, heat or moisture.
Ba t t e ry life
Ba t t e ry
Ap p ro x. h o u rs
Design and specifications are subject to change
without notice.
Sony alkaline battery LR6/ AM3 (N)
Sony battery R6P/ SUM-3 (NS)
rechargeable battery NC-AA (HJ)
No t e s o n h e a d p h o n e s
Pre ve n t in g h e a rin g d a m a g e
Avoid using headphones at high volume. Hearing
experts advise against continuous, loud and extended
play. If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce
the volume or discontinue use.
Sony rechargeable battery
Sony R6 (size AA) nickel hydrogen
rechargeable battery NH-AA
* when fully charged
Depending on regions, some batteries may not be
Ca rin g fo r o t h e rs
Keep the volume at a moderate level. This will allow
you to hear outside sounds and to be considerate to
the people around you.
Wh e n t o re p la ce t h e b a t t e ry
Replace the batteries with new ones when the
POWER indicator on the right side of the headphones
dims, or distortion occurs and hissing noise increases.
If you have any questions or problems concerning the
headphones that are not covered in this manual,
please consult your nearest Sony dealer.
Be sure to bring the headphones and the transmitter to
your Sony dealer when requiring repair work is
If t h e b a t t e ry co m p a rt m e n t lid co m e s o ff
t h e h e a d p h o n e s
Attach the lid to the battery compartment, matching
A to A and B to B, as illustrated below.
(To u rn e r la p a g e m)
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