X-Panda User’s Guide
This documentation is intended to be read along side the “X-Panda Installation
Introduction to the X-Panda
X-Panda Operator’s Guide
Mono Inputs – Input (CH IP), Alternate Input (ALT)
Outputs - Direct Channel Outs (CH OP), Post Fader
Stereo Cue – Post Fader, ALT source
FX Sends and Stereo Returns (ST RET)
Channel Pan, Fader, Cut & Solo
Stereo Inputs – Input (CH IP)
Power up Options
Additional Information
Rear DIP Switches
Cascading X-Panda and X-Desk
X-Panda and the X-Rack
X-Panda and other audio equipment
Racking your X-Panda
Expand your studio with an SSL!
Solid State Logic are delighted to introduce its latest analogue offering, the X-Panda,
built with the very same SuperAnalogue™ DNA as our AWS, Duality and Matrix
consoles. SSL sincerely hope that you enjoy this compact analogue product.
X-Panda is a 24 Input mixer that can be used for tracking and master mix summing.
The purpose of the X-Panda is to augment any existing system. Obviously a natural
partner would be SSL’s own award winning X-Desk. However, X-Panda is designed
to work with any analogue audio equipment, the limit is really your own imagination.
Remember this is a true expander in the convenient analogue domain.
X-Panda was primarily born out of requirements from existing X-Desk owners for
additional inputs for a larger analogue studio system. When used in conjunction with
an X-Desk it creates a 44 input SSL studio mixing system.
Initially the X-Panda may appear to be a relatively basic analogue console, however
there are a number of design innovations that could significantly enhance your
studio’s sonic output. If you take a short time to read this guide through, hopefully
you will discover a few novelties, which may enhance your recording and mixing
You may wish to consider exactly how you will integrate X-Panda into your studio
along with your existing equipment. Taking time to plan X-Panda’s integration can
yield sonic benefits later on.
Some example system setups are included in the X-Panda Installation guide included
in your package.
X-Panda can be used as an elegant and ergonomically refined desktop mixer or placed
in a 19” rack (by virtue of the supplied removable rack ears) in a 7U space.
Like all SSL SuperAnalogue™ products, it is extremely robust, hand-built in the UK
with an all-metal chassis and utilises high quality controls and components.
X-Panda combines a 24 input SSL SuperAnalogue™ mixer with the ability to truly
“expand” the other equipment in your studio.
The X-Panda Mono Channel Strip
Inputs – Channel Input (CH IP), Alternate Input (ALT)
Each one of the 8 mono channel inputs (CH IP) on the X-
Panda has a choice of two Line Inputs. The first input is
traditionally sourced from the Output of a microphone pre
amplifier, D.I box or perhaps even a line level instrument.
These connections are labelled “LINE IN 9-16 (1-8)” on the
rear of the desk. They are so labelled due to the fact that you
may be using X-Panda stand alone or in conjunction with an X-
Desk or indeed additional audio equipment.
The second Line input is selected via the switch labelled “ALT” and is most
commonly used for Monitor return playback signals, perhaps from a Digital Audio
Workstation (DAW). These connections are labelled “ALT IN 9-16 (1-8)” on the rear
of the desk.
Once you have selected your Input, it then has a +/- 20 dB gain Level Trim, indented
in the centre at Unity Gain and a Phase Reverse “Ø” button.
The Post gain signal can also then be affected by Insert processing (perhaps an EQ or
Dynamics processor.) by pressing the “INS” switch. It is worth noting that in SSL
tradition the Insert Send is always active, which can be creatively utilised if you so
wish. Engaging the “INS” switch will activate the Insert return. (All Mono Channel
Inserts are connected via the “INSERT SEND/RETURN 9-16 (1-8)” connections on
the rear of the desk)
The Tri-colour Led under the level control is a 3 colour indictor of signal presence
and level. By default the following audio levels are indicted by the following LED
Green =
Yellow =
-24 dBu
+4 dBu
+21 dBu
Remember it is possible to rescale the X-Panda’s metering to a +18dBu (as opposed
to the standard +24 dBu) scale via the rear panel DIP switch. This would then
provide the following channel meter scale.
Green =
Yellow =
-24 dBu
0 dBu
+16 dBu
Note: The Red LED will light before actual audio clipping, which can serve as a
useful warning when recording.
Outputs - Direct Channel Outs (CH OP), Post Fader
Each Mono channel of the X-Panda has a Direct Output. The
Channel Direct Outputs (CH OP) are primarily used to feed the
inputs of your chosen recorder or DAW. On the rear panel connection panel of X-
Panda they are labelled “CHAN OUT 9-16 (1-8)”.
The operator has a choice of whether the output Signal is sourced Pre or Post fader.
By default the output is Pre fader / Post Input Trim but by selecting “POST” the
Output level will be sourced after, and thus controlled by, the Channel Fader. This is
useful if in classic British audio engineering style one wishes to “ride” the signal level
to tape or in this modern day and age, the DAW.
Stereo Cue – Post Fader, ALT source
This is the channel send to the Stereo CUE Bus. There are
separate controls for both Level and Pan, and this is normally
used as a Cue audio feed for the recording artist. But this is just
the beginning!
Selecting the POST switch will source the Stereo Cue post the
channel fader.
A very useful feature of the X-Panda mono channels is that the CUE ST can source
the ALT channel input (even if it has not been selected as the main channel input.) To
achieve this simply engage the “ALT” switch. This is useful when recording as an
entirely independent Cue mix can be built up.
Alternatively if the requirement is for a large analogue summing system (when used
in conjunction with an X-Desk), an additional 8 channels could be connected to the
ALT input, sourced on the CUE with independent Level and Pan, and reassigned to
the MIX bus via the CUE to MIX button on the Master section of an X-Desk.
Note: Selecting ALT (on the CUE send) when it is sourced as the Channel Input will
result in no change to the Cue source.
FX Sends 1&2 and Stereo Returns (ST RET)
Each Mono Channel on the X-Panda has two mono FX sends
(FX1 and FX2)
The Send is permanently ON but rotating it fully counter
clockwise will result in no signal being sent onto the FX bus.
Normally the FX sends are sourced Post Fader but they can be globally switched for
the whole X-Panda by the PRE switches on the last Stereo Channel. (See next
Channel Pan, Fader Cut & Solo
At the base of the X-Panda Mono channel strip you will find
traditional analogue desk functions.
The channel stereo “PAN” control, which controls the channels
Left/Right positioning on the Stereo Mix bus.
The analogue signal level FADER, for feeding the Stereo Mix Bus
or controlling the CH OP (Direct Channel Output) level.
Above the Fader you will find two switches:
The “SOLO” button, which mutes all other channels and provides
an AFL monitoring signal, and finally the “CUT” button which
immediately mutes the channel’s output.
The X-Panda features 4 Stereo Input Channels that differ slightly from the Mono
Stereo Inputs – Channel Input (CH IP)
The X-Panda Stereo Input channels (CH IP) feature a +/- 20 dB gain stereo Level
Trim, indented in the centre at Unity Gain and a pair of independent Phase Reverse
“Ø” switch for both the L+R Inputs.
The Post input gain signal can also then be affected by Insert processing (perhaps
stereo EQ or Dynamics processing) by pressing the “INS” switch. On the Stereo
channels on the X-Panda the Insert point is true Stereo.
It is worth noting that in SSL tradition the Insert Send is always active, which can
creatively utilised if you so wish. Engaging the “INS” switch will activate the Insert
return. (All Stereo Channel Inserts are connected via the INSERT SEND/RETURN
ST 1-4 connections on the rear of the X-Panda)
There are independent Level Meters for both Left and Right Signals of your Stereo
The Tri-colour LEDs under the level control are 3 colour indictors of signal presence
and level. By default the following audio levels are indicted by the following LED
Green =
Yellow =
-24 dBu
+4 dBu
+21 dBu
Remember it is possible to rescale the X-Panda’s metering to a +18dBu (as opposed
to the standard +24 dBu) scale via the rear panel DIP switch. This would then provide
the following channel meter scale.
Green =
Yellow =
-24 dBu
0 dBu
+16 dBu
Note: The Red LED will light before actual audio clipping, which can serve as a
useful warning when recording.
Stereo Outputs - Direct Channel Outs (CH OP), Post Fader
Each X-Panda Stereo channel features a dedicated Channel Output (CH OP). This
provides a direct Stereo Output.
Normally this is sourced Pre Fader but by engaging the “POST” switch that source
becomes Post Fader. The Channel Direct Outputs (CH OP) are primarily used to feed
the inputs of your chosen recorder or DAW. On the rear panel connection panel of X-
Panda they are labelled “CHAN OUT ST 1-4”.
(Note that there is no “ALT” option on the X-Panda Stereo Channels)
Stereo Cue Send
Provides a Stereo Send primarily for Cue purposes. By default the signal is sourced
pre fader but additionally it can be sourced after the Channel Fader by selecting
“POST”. It may be worth bearing in mind that if you are using X-Panda in
conjunction with an X-Desk and on the X-Desk are using the “Cue to MIX” function
you may wish to turn this CUE ST send off on the X-Panda Stereo channels.
FX Sends 1&2
There are two FX sends on the Stereo channels and they take a summed Mono signal
of your Stereo Input source. By default the signal is sourced post Fader.
Note that it is possible to globally switch the FX Sends independently for the X-Panda
to source the signal pre fader by engaging the “PRE” switch for either of the two FX
Send busses on the last X-Panda Stereo Channel.
Channel Balance, Fader, Cut & Solo
At the end of the Stereo Channel there is a Balance control. Note
that this is entirely different to the Pan control on the Mono
channels. Simply, it controls the channels respective Left/Right
Level feed to the Stereo Mix Bus. If you are unfamiliar with this
type of control it may be worth playing some stereo material into
the channel and experimenting with the control to perhaps give you
an idea of it creative potential.
In addition to the usual Solo and Cut switches along with a long
throw Channel fader, all of which function as they do on the Mono
Rear DIP Switch Options
The rear of the X-Panda unit features a 4-way DIP switch which allows you to change
the Meter scaling of the signal LEDs on the channels.
Switch number “1” alters the meter scaling between:
0 dbfs= +18 dBu
or 0 dbfs= +24 dbu
Note: that the default factory setting is set to +24 dBu
The Diagnostics 1,2, and 3 switches are for internal SSL factory use only and should
not be engaged by the user without dire repercussions on a truly monumental scale.
Well perhaps not that bad, but please don’t do it!
Cascading X-Panda and X-Desk
One of the most useful features of the X-Panda/Desk is the ability for multiple units to
be cascaded together to build a bigger SSL system.
It is possible to connect an X-Panda and X-Desk units together by simply connecting
the rear panel connection on the X-Panda “UNITE” to the “X-DESK LINK IN” on
the X-Desk. You should connect your monitor loudspeakers and FX processors to the
X-Desk as it will be the main audio MIX bus, as well as acting as the master sends for
the CUE and FX busses.
Currently we recommend that you connect no more than 8 X-Desk/Panda
combinations in a cascaded array.
As mentioned, once connected the MIX, CUE, FX 1&2 and AFL solo Busses are
combined on the master X-Desk.
So for example:
If you engage SOLO on any channel, all other Channels in your cascaded X-
Panda/Desk System will mute.
A single FX processing unit can be connected to the FX 1 or 2 output of the Master
Desk yet can be fed audio from sends on any of the cascaded desks.
More advanced users may wish to consider the possibilities of such delights as
parallel compression, differing FX destinations, extremely complex Cue sends and a
whole host of other creative possibilities
Using X-Panda with an X-Rack Summing System
Although not essential, a natural partner for the X-Panda is an SSL X-Rack. While
some of the more obvious X-Rack modules such as the Mic Amp (XR621) or the
VHD Input modules (XR627) would be suitable for recording various sources, and of
course the X-Rack EQ and Dynamics modules, Superanalogue (XR625) & (XR618)
or 4000 series (XR425) & (XR418) would be a natural partner for audio processing
However the real fun begins if you would like to create a “bigger” analogue mixer.
Because the X-Rack has a “Mix Bus Link”, if you have a Master Bus Module
(XR622) simply connect the X-Panda’s “XRACK EXPANSION” to the X-Racks’
“Mix Bus Link”
Note: The X-Rack REC BUS (Record Bus) is fed from the X-Panda’s ST CUE as it
has no associated bus.
Using X-Panda with other audio equipment
While you may assume that X-Panda is designed to only work in conjunction with
other SSL equipment, you would be mistaken. X-Panda can be a welcome addition to
any existing set up.
Use with another audio mixing console:
Lets assume you have a classic console from the good old days, or a highly affordable
offering from a current manufacturer. X-Panda allows you to add additional inputs for
this device. Simply connect from the Unite socket on the rear of the X-Panda to your
audio console. Remember that you can “break out” the 8-way D-sub (Using a
commonly available D-Sub to 8x XLR cable for example) into its component audio
signal elements. So you can access the Stereo MIX bus, Cue bus the two Mono FX
Sends and of course, the AFL bus. You do not have to use all of these of course. SSL
are providing you with a set of tools, and as ever you choose the correct one for the
job. A simple setup would involve simply connecting the X-Panda MIX bus to a
Stereo Input or indeed two mono channels. This would provide many more inputs into
your console. A more complex set up might involve the above in combination with
the CUE and FX also connected. Useful if you wish to access hardware outboard FX
equipment that is connected to the other mixing console. How you accomplish this on
your other console will either involve donating a channel for this purpose or some
have dedicated summing input often called Bus injects. Consult the documentation
that came with your other audio mixer to see what is possible and how it might work
best for you in your studio. No two mixers are alike!
Use with another analogue summing system:
The last few years has seen a growing appreciation for the benefits of analogue mix
summing. There are quite a few systems available and X-Panda can work in
conjunction with any of them.
Racking your X-Panda
Supplied with the X-Panda are 2x Racking “ears”. These can be simply fitted to the
Desk by the use of 3x screws per side (included) thus facilitating 19” rack mounting
of the X-Panda. We recommend 4x screws for securing an ear equipped X-Panda into
a standard 19” rack.
Rear Panel Connections:
LINE IN 9-16 (1-8)
The Primary Channel Input (CH IP) for the Mono Channels
ALT IN 9-16 (1-8) D-Sub 25 way female
D-Sub 25 way female
A secondary Mono Channel Input. Can be sourced as the main Channel Input (CH
IP) or reassigned via the Cue Bus ALT function.
INSERT SEND 9-16 (1-8)
Insert Sends for the eight Mono Channels (Remember the Send is always active!)
INSERT RETURN 9-16 (1-8) D-Sub 25 way female
Insert Returns for the eight Mono Channels
D-Sub 25 way female
CHAN OUT 9-16 (1-8)
D-Sub 25 way female
Direct Channel Output (CH OP) from the eight Mono channels; selectable either Pre
or Post fader.
D-Sub 25 way female
The Stereo Channels Line Inputs (CH IP)
D-Sub 25 way female
The Stereo Channels Insert Send (Remember the Send is always active!)
D-Sub 25 way female
D-Sub 25 way female
Stereo Channels Insert Return
Stereo Channels Direct Output (CH OP)
D-Sub 25 way female
Provides AFL Output
MIX Bus Output
CUE Bus Output
FX 1 Bus Output
FX 2 Bus Output
D-Sub 25 way female
This connection allows X-Rack owners with a Master Bus module (XR622) to utilise
that for Master Bus functions and Monitoring control.
It is also compatible with X-Racks loaded with any combination of the Four Channel
Input module (XR623) and Eight Channel Input module (XR624) in addition to the
Master Bus Module. This creates a large compact analogue summing system.
Note: For all D-Sub Pin-outs please consult the Installation guide included with your
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Visit SSL at http://www.solidstatelogic.com
© Solid State Logic
All Rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions
Solid State Logic, SSL, XLogic, Superanalogue and X-Desk
are trademarks of Solid State Logic
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or
by any means, whether mechanical or electronic, without the
written permission of Solid State Logic, Oxford, England
Initial release June 2011
As research and development is a continual process, Solid State Logic reserves the right
to change the features and specifications described herein without notice or obligation.
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